

The official Young Adults Ministry of The Sanctuary (Ages 19-35).

The elder: church of yesterday

Kids: church of tomorrow

NEXT (Young Adults): biggest driving force in the church of today

From newly graduated to those with young families, we have something for you! Today, young adults face more choices, challenges, and opportunities on their road to adulthood, requiring more time and new forms of support. It must be the priority of the church to empower this generation to use their gifts, energy, ideas, creativity, and passion for the benefit of people and the purposes of God.

Young adults want reliable, meaningful faith that is able to keep up with their increasingly complex lives. Their quests to be faithful are intellectually challenging, emotionally draining, relationally disorienting, and incredibly vulnerable. And they want to know who will courageously journey with them. Through sessions, a thriving book-club, events, fellowship and assisting with other ministries in various community outreach efforts, the young adults will develop and strengthen their relationships with Christ, with one another, and with the wider community by offering spiritual, social, and service opportunities. Our programs offer an alternative to the lifestyle experienced in our culture.

We believe there is a dynamic opportunity for NEXT young adults of The Sanctuary to get involved, regardless of time or location. It is our goal to provide the resource necessary to unlock the potential in their life and in their world.

Stay in the Know!!

The Young Adults Group Chat is available for all those interested in events happening for the young adults for The Sanctuary. Join us as we share devotions, questions, thoughts and all things life and spirituality in the comfort of our own space: The Next Group Chat!